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Biology Week 2023 : Imaging the Brain

A 5-day course in partnership with the Life Science Learning Center in Zurich


Université de Zurich

The Life Science Learning Center in Zurich opened its doors to high school students! For five days, they discovered more about the human brain and neuroscience imaging techniques.

Imaging the brain, MRI
Bild: CRe, SCNAT, Biology Week 2023, Zurich

On Monday morning, around twenty students travelled by public transport to Zurich, to visit the Kinderspital and learn more about MRI. In the evening, they checked into the Zurich youth hostel, then continued the program set up by the life science learning center over the following days at the Irchel campus.
The themes of the "Imaging the brain" week were :

How can we visualize the brain and its activities?
What do we know about neuronal activity?
How are our movements controlled?
How can we present and interpret the data from brain images?
How is neuroscience research done?

Classes were held in English, enabling students from all language regions to improve their English skills, about neuroscience and their everyday lives, too.

We'd like to thank the team from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich who made this event possible, and we're already looking forward to the next edition of this very popular week!

  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Caroline Reymond1/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Alexandra von Rogov2/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Caroline Reymond3/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Alexandra von Rogov4/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Alexandra von Rogov5/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Alexandra von Rogov6/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Alexandra von Rogov7/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Caroline Reymond8/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Alexandra von Rogov9/10
  • Imaging the brain, impressions 2023Bild: Alexandra von Rogov10/10

Geeignet für

  • 14-18
  • 18+
  • Gruppe
  • Rollstuhl


Inhalt: anspruchsvoll

Interaktivität: aktiv/passiv

Drinnen/draussen: drinnen/draussen


  • Sekundarschule II


Caroline Geissbühler
Kommission für Nachwuchsförderung
Haus der Akademien
3001 Bern

Sprachen: Englisch
Wetterabhängig? Nein
Kostenpflichtig? Nein