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Das Forum fördert einen differenzierten und sachlichen Umgang mit neuen Entwicklungen in der Genforschung. Dazu stellt es wissenschaftliche Informationen zu einem breiten Spektrum an gesellschaftsrelevanten Themen zur Verfügung und fördert auf dieser Basis den Dialog zwischen Forschung, Politik und Gesellschaft.mehr

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11th Swiss Global Change Day

20 April 2010 in Bern



Recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as challenges for future research are in the focus of the Swiss Global Change Day which will take place as in the previous years in Bern. The posters give the possibility to share the current research with colleagues from different disciplines and to find out about the research activities of others. In addition, the event is an opportunity for people from governmental institutions, economy and politics to ask questions and voice their needs and views on the presented topics.

Teaser: 11th Swiss Global Change Day


In the following you find:
- Flyer of the Event
- Meeting Report
- Presentations of the Speakers
Sprachen: Englisch