TRAINING (2.4.1)

The forum promotes a differentiated and objective approach to new developments in genetic research. To this end, it provides scientific information on a broad spectrum of socially relevant topics and, on this basis, promotes the dialogue between research, politics and society.more

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CRISPR and somatic gene therapy

CRISPR/Cas for genome editing – today and tomorrow


16:00 - 17:30


Bern, Schweiz

Meeting place

Online (Zoom)

In this webinar you will be given an overview of the state of the art of somatic gene therapy with the use of the CRISPR technology. We will further shed light on the ethical questions and issues which come along using such a technology in therapy of humans.

Icon CRISPR Webinars grey
Image: Forum Genforschung, SCNAT

Our speakers:

  • Jacob Corn (ETH Zurich)
  • Samia Hurst (University of Geneva)

Moderator: Thomas Häusler (SRF)

The webinar will be held in English with the option to ask questions in German and French.

This webinar is part of the series CRISPR/Cas for genome editing: today and tomorrow. There will be other webinar about CRISPR and society.

CRISPR and somatic gene therapy


  • Gene technology
  • Gene therapy
  • Genome editing


Forum for Genetic Research
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern


Languages: English