The Forum for Genetic Research is mandated to address current developments in genetic research and its implications for society, and to foster communication and exchange between scientists, decision makers and society. The Forum takes up questions from citizens and politicians on various applications of genetic research results and considers them in a fact-based and nuanced manner. The Forum enganges in political and societal processes and informs on topics of future relevance. The state of knowledge is made available by providing experts, by organizing events and by publishing informational material. Besides scientific aspects, technical as well as knowledge from human and social play an important role.
During the last years, the Forum for Genetic Research has addressed the following topics, amongst others:
- Molecular plant breeding techniques
- Gene Drives
- Covid-19 vaccines & RNA technologies
- Biosecurity and Dual-Use in biological research
In order to treat the subjects of interest from as broad a perspective as possible, the Forum for Genetic Research choses an interdisciplinary approach – both in terms of its composition and its functioning. The Forum brings together experts from molecular biology, genetics, plant sciences, biomedicine, biosafety, intellectual property as well as social sciences and ethics. Depending on the subject of interest, the Forum for Genetic Research consults additional experts from within the Academies or from its network, in Switzerland and abroad. The members of the Forum are supported by the scientific unit.
The Forum for Genetic Research is part of the Platform Science & Policy (SAP) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT).
Forum sulla ricerca genetica
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna